The physical reaction of blood creates hemorrhoids - The reason why it does not show up in blood tests and the reason why it is observed in all living things with blood flow is actually proof that the physical reaction of blood creates hemorrhoids.

Data analysis and finalization report of 10,000 cases

1* Psychological approach – Psychological Level Survey and Results
Anal region – Special situation (Feeling of Shame). All cases went to the doctor when they reached the point where they could not stand it, when they could not handle it on their own, and when they passed the Psychological Level threshold.

The survey results revealed that the breast/swelling in the anus area occurs for 3 reasons.

1- Skin diseases such as abscesses, boils, sebaceous glands, warts, etc.
Patients with skin diseases do not go to the doctor, but rather misdiagnose themselves as a result of incorrect internet research and claim that they have hemorrhoids.

In 3000 cases, there is no case that has been found that a drug-cream-herbal product was applied and got rid of hemorrhoids. There are creams that constrict the veins when applied, but since it is a physical reaction of the blood that forms the hemorrhoid, they provide temporary relief for a very short time.

2- In 5000 cases, the main function of blood in the body is treatment and they continue this function in internal diseases. In cases where blood cannot intervene in internal diseases, it accumulates in the nearest vein and forms hemorrhoids, over time the vein cannot withstand this pressure and swells and becomes inflamed. This situation is fixed and does not disappear from the day it occurs (except for stomach diseases, since the stomach is an organ that recovers itself quickly, fixed hemorrhoids become permanent after the age of 35 as a result of the progression of the stomach disease), the progression of the internal disease causes the number of hemorrhoids in the vein to increase, it is not a disease in itself, it is an alarm condition.

Diseases that prove the alarm status: Polyp, fissure, fistula, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, ulcer, reflux, gastritis, Crohn's, rectocele, and rectitis diseases can all cause hemorrhoids.

Constipation-Diarrhea (Irritable bowel syndrome); patients experience this situation firsthand.

1. Dönem – Makat; makatın çiçek gibi her tuvalet çıkışı şişme dönemi-makatın kabız ve ishal yüzünden çatlamamak için çiçekle savaştığı dönemdir – 6 ay ila 2 yıl arası değişkenlik göstermektedir. Başlarda 1-2 dakika şişer ve iner zamanla 5-10 dakika 30 dakika ve 1-2 saate tuvalet sonrası hasta çiçek şişmesi yaşamaktadır. (1-2 vaka da 1-2 gün şişle yaşayan hastalar vardır.2.dönem makatın çatladığı gün – çok büyük acı 3000 vakada o günü hatırlamayan hasta yok. Makat çatladığı günü unutturmuyor %80 vaka o gün tuvalette ağladıkları tespit edilmiştir. O gün tuvalet çıkışında makat şişmemiş (makat çiçek gibi şişmesi son bulmuştur) Tedaviye giden kan (anal fissür – makat çatlağı oluşunca hücreler öldüğü için kabuk bağlama tedavi işlemini gerçekleştiremez) en yakın toplar damarı şişirir ve hastanın hayatına ilk defa kaybolmayan meme/şişlik yani hemoroid girer.

Anal Fissure Known Triggers of Anal Fissure Formation
He doesn't let you forget the day he cracked his anus!

Seven Causes of Fissure: Constipation, diarrhea, straining during childbirth, lifting weights, low-quality slimming teas, sitting for long periods of time, standing for long periods of time.

3- Hemorrhoid disease 2000 cases result Blood Behavior Disorder and Attacks: Periodic hemorrhoid attacks are seen between the ages of 15-60. This situation shows that hemorrhoids are not only a mechanical problem but also a condition related to the physical reaction of blood. It is a disease in itself - patients exhibit blood behavior disorder between the ages of 15-60 for a maximum of 1 week and 10 days once a year or 2 years and it creates an external breast in the anus. It is like a drill - There is no disease that needs to be fought in the body, so the veins in the anus are not in alarm and do not expand. The patient feels throbbing every time he contracts the muscle in the anus during the attack period. It is clean and it has not been observed to evolve into another disease. There are very rare bleeding cases. Inflammation has not been observed in 2000 cases. Hot water is very effective, the patient does not get out of hot water during the attack period.

Report Result Conclusions research and discussion topics

1-) It was revealed that none of the patients who applied something to the anus or inside the anus and got relief were suffering from hemorrhoids.

2-) It has been revealed that none of the pharmacies selling creams for hemorrhoids have medical reports proving that the medicine cures hemorrhoids.

3-) Hemorrhoid disease cannot be cured without surgery. I tried everything and got rid of it with surgery. It turned out that all of the patients who said that the only salvation was surgery actually had anal fissures.

Nimsai Herb
The First & Only Herb “NIMSAI” that has been proven with a doctor's report to be effective in the symptoms of Hemorrhoids/Piles/Fissures