The formation of hemorrhoids (piles) in the body usually occurs as a result of the physical reaction of the blood. Blood moves to fight diseases in the body, but due to some diseases, blood becomes ineffective and accumulates in the nearest vein. This accumulation leads to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are not a disease, but an alarm mechanism of the body. Therefore, hemorrhoids can be associated with a number of different diseases in the body and are also observed in various animal species.
Below is detailed information about the diseases that are shown as the main causes of hemorrhoids and how these diseases lead to the development of hemorrhoids:
1. Anal Fissure:
- Definition: Anal fissure is the formation of painful sores around the anus.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Anal fissures can be confused with hemorrhoids. When a fissure occurs, bleeding can occur, which can mimic the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Additionally, constant straining and pressure from the fissure can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.
- Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine – Anal Fissures
2. Fistula:
- Definition: An anal fistula occurs when infected glands open an abnormal channel around the anus.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Fistulas can worsen hemorrhoid symptoms by affecting the veins around the anus. Fistulas can cause blood to accumulate in the anus and cause hemorrhoids as a result of the blood not being able to drain properly.
- Source: Mayo Clinic – Anal Fistulas
3. Polyp:
- Definition: Polyps are benign tumors that occur in the intestines.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Polyps can cause inflammation in the intestinal wall, triggering conditions such as constipation, diarrhea and straining. Constipation and straining can pave the way for the development of hemorrhoids.
- Source: American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy – Colonic Polyps
4. Recti:
- Definition: Rectitis is inflammation of the rectum.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Rectitis can affect the veins around the anus. As a result, inflammation in the rectum can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Additionally, patients with rectis often experience constipation and diarrhea, which can aggravate hemorrhoid symptoms.
- Source: Cleveland Clinic – Rectal Inflammation
5. Crohn's Disease:
- Definition: Crohn's disease is an inflammation of the digestive system.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Crohn's disease causes inflammation of the intestines. This triggers conditions such as constipation, diarrhea and straining, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can develop as a result of Crohn's disease.
- Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – Crohn's Disease
6. Ulcer, Gastritis and Reflux:
- Definition: Ulcers are sores that form in the stomach or intestines. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining. Reflux is the leakage of stomach acid into the esophagus.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: These diseases can put pressure on the digestive system and trigger the development of hemorrhoids due to constipation and straining. Likewise, constipation can be experienced frequently due to stomach disorders and this can trigger hemorrhoids.
- Source: American College of Gastroenterology – Acid Reflux & GERD
7. Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis:
- Definition: While colitis is inflammation of the intestines, ulcerative colitis is inflammation of the large intestine.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Colitis and ulcerative colitis diseases cause changes in bowel movements, problems such as constipation and diarrhea. These conditions can cause the development of hemorrhoids.
- Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – Ulcerative Colitis
8. Diverticulum:
- Definition: Diverticula are sacs that form on the intestinal wall. Diverticulitis is the inflammation of these sacs.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Diverticulitis can put pressure on the digestive system, triggering conditions such as constipation and diarrhea, which can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.
- Source: American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons – Diverticular Disease
9. Rectocele:
- Definition: Rectocele is the prolapse of the rectum into the vagina.
- Relationship with Hemorrhoids: Rectocele causes straining and pressure during bowel movements, which can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.
- Source: Cleveland Clinic – Rectocele
Hemorrhoids in Animals:
Hemorrhoids can be observed not only in humans but also in many animal species. Hemorrhoid formation has also been observed in large and small cattle such as horses, dogs, and cows. It is thought that hemorrhoids in animals develop as a physical reaction to blood, as in humans. The formation of hemorrhoids can be associated with situations in which blood is ineffective in the bodies of these animals.
The Role of Hemorrhoids as an Alarm Condition:
Hemorrhoids are considered to be the alarm condition of the body because the veins swell and signal the body as a result of diseases in which the blood is ineffective. This is an indication that the body is trying to cope with another disease. Hemorrhoids are considered to be the alarm condition because hemorrhoids occur as a result of the stress created by existing diseases in the body and the ineffectiveness of the blood.
Failure to Determine Hemorrhoids with Blood Tests:
The reason why hemorrhoids cannot be detected by blood tests is because they are based on the effect of blood on the veins as a physical reaction. Since the formation of hemorrhoids causes the veins to swell and be affected by the physical reactions of the blood in the body, it is not possible to detect this condition in a blood test. Since hemorrhoids are usually an external symptom, they can be better detected by physical examination or imaging techniques.
This information provides a more detailed understanding of the causes of hemorrhoids and related diseases. Considering hemorrhoids as part of the body's alarm mechanisms can make the treatment approach more comprehensive and accurate.
Hemorrhoids Research Team
Nimsai Herbal